Jewelry and Metals

我们金属系的珠宝制作课程包括传统的技术和材料, as well as contemporary considerations of concept, design, and experimentation.

Materials List

没有在这里列出的课程在课程描述中也会有必需的材料, discuss needed materials during the first class, or the materials will be supplied.

Class details (meeting times, tuition, etc.) are listed below.

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Metals Supplies Notes

金属课程的学费包括基本的工作室用品, chemicals, and access to tools and equipment. 除非另有说明,一些课程包括有限的供应套件. 学生应该预期其他工具的额外费用, metal, and findings for their samples or projects. Please see website for specific supply list.

Metals Open Studio

Limited open studio time for students to practice will be determined at the beginning of each term; dates and times will be discussed in class and posted. 学生应尊重班长并遵守所有工作室的政策和做法. Open studio is intended for students to practice techniques and projects covered in class; production purposes or outside work is not allowed.

Registration Information

Classes are open-enrollment to the community. Class registration is a simple process. Read 'How to Register' below to get started. 点击这里查看所有注册政策和指导方针,包括付款、退课和取消、退款等信息.

  • 点击下面的“立即注册”按钮开始注册过程.
  • 点击页面右上角的“Sign In”.
  • To sign in, enter your user name and password. If you do not have an account, you can create one quickly by specifying a user name, password, and email address.
  • Navigate to your desired course. 点击与课程相关的“添加到购物车”按钮.
  • 在完成注册流程和汇款后, 您将收到一封包含您的注册确认的电子邮件.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Jewelry & Metals Classes - Summer 2024

Course Description

What does it take to make a ring? 手工戒指的构造将是这两天金属课程的重点. 学生将被介绍与有色金属(铜)工作的基本技术, brass, and silver), basic hand tools, forging, forming, silver-soldering using a torch, surface embellishment, and finishing techniques. 在两天内,学生们至少可以完成两个项目. NOTE: Bilingual instruction is available. Includes a materials kit for projects covered in class; see *METALS NOTE. Please bring a bag lunch.

Course Description

学习用于创建独特的珠宝和小型金属雕塑的基本技术和工具,因为您通过一系列项目不仅关注技术, but also on encouraging individual expression. Techniques covered will include sawing, basic forming, surface textures, silver-soldering, riveting, ring-making, and surface finishes. NOTE: Bilingual instruction is available. Tool kits and some supplies included; see *METALS NOTE and website for a materials list and links to sources.

Course Description

这个短期课程将涵盖创建铜袖口和手镯的基础知识, brass, or silver. Learn how to form metal, use the hydraulic press, and other basic metals skills such as soldering, surface textures, and patination. 学生们至少要完成两个手链. 如果学生计划使用银,他们必须提前购买金属或在上课的第一天与老师讨论. See *METALS SUPPLIES NOTE.

Course Description

学生们将在金属和纸的工作室中获得实践经验,创造两个可穿戴的珠宝项目,这些项目是由原始的手工纸安装在金属结构上. 米尔斯将指导该课程的纸张成型和装饰的造纸技术,使用普通和有色亚麻和abaca. Sortore将演示成形金属的金属锻造技术, creating surface textures, and making cold connections such as rivets.

Course Description

In this follow up course to Metal Skills.1, students will hone their sawing, soldering, forming, 以及表面加工技能,并应用这些基本的金属加工技术来创建更复杂的项目. 学生将被鼓励设计和制作独立的项目,并可以预期完成至少两个项目. Demonstrations will cover various techinques. See *METALS SUPPLIES NOTE.

Course Description

Explore various ways to connect beads—from stringing, knotting, and using wire connections to make necklaces, bracelets and earrings. 不同的方式完成结束和使用不同类型的扣和闭也将涵盖. 在这个过程中,了解材料、工具和它们的用途. 从购买或重新利用的珠子创造自己独特的设计, have fun, and end up with several new pieces of jewelry. Includes some supplies; please see website for materials list.

Course Description

对于希望追求新的或继续的金属加工和/或珠宝制作主题或创建一个小的工作机构的高级学生. Although projects are self-directed, 教师将与每个学生一起协助设计, aesthetic, and/or technical decisions. 前提条件:学生必须联系吉尔索尔托在吉莉安. sortore@utsa.在注册前需获得批准,并应成功完成至少三门金属课程或同等的中级金属经验. See *METALS NOTES.

Course Description

探索这种古老的铸造金属的工艺,以青铜或银创造独特和个性化的珠宝规模的对象. 该课程将专注于雕刻一个基本的戒指,让每个人都能完成整个过程, 如果时间允许,学生可以做额外的项目. Class demonstrations will include wax model-making, simple casting molds, 浇口附件(或为铸造准备蜡模), wax burn out, 并浇铸熔融金属以及表面整理. Materials will be discussed at the first class. See *METALS SUPPLIES NOTE.

Course Description

砂型铸造是一种使用可重复使用的低技术含量铸造方法, 超细粘土砂混合物,允许小规模的一次性模具铸造. 这个过程可以让你快速铸造青铜或银的小物体或珠宝,不像熔模铸造,不需要窑炉或大型设备, therefore perfect for home studios. Learn how to choose the right objects to cast, set up a successful mold, melt and pour metal, as well as go through any troubleshooting. 您应该期望完成几个组件或部分. 本课程将涵盖基本的金属技能和精加工过程. Tuition includes bronze casting grain for one casting; selecting or purchasing silver for casting will be covered. See *METALS SUPPLIES NOTE.

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