Fibers and Weaving

The imagination can be freed working with textiles, where fiber art techniques such as shibori, batik, silk-painting, 或者,雕版印刷也可以借鉴全球传统, cultural symbolism, or the human imperative for mark-making.

位于乌尔苏拉校区神父之家的两层, 我们的50台落地机被认为是美国最大的教学收藏.S.,并受到活跃的成年学生织工社区的欢迎.

Materials List

没有在这里列出的课程在课程描述中也会有必需的材料, discuss needed materials during the first class, or the materials will be supplied.

Class details (meeting times, tuition, etc.) are listed below.

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Tuition Assistance

纤维系的班级可获得数量有限的学费援助奖学金. 对研究纤维感兴趣的成年人可以申请由 submitting the application form and contacting Casey Galloway,

Fibers and Weaving Class Notes

Studio Practices: Limited open studio time for students enrolled in weaving classes will be determined at the beginning of each term; dates and times will be discussed in class and posted for students. For fiber related workshop classes, 工作室只允许在工作坊期间使用.

Registration Information

Classes are open-enrollment to the community. Class registration is a simple process. Read 'How to Register' below to get started. 点击这里查看所有注册政策和指导方针,包括付款、退课和取消、退款等信息.

  • 点击下面的“立即注册”按钮开始注册过程.
  • Click onto 'Sign In' at the top right side of the page.
  • To sign in, enter your user name and password. If you do not have an account, you can create one quickly by specifying a user name, password, and email address.
  • Navigate to your desired course. 点击与课程相关的“添加到购物车”按钮.
  • 在完成注册流程和汇款后, 您将收到一封包含您的注册确认的电子邮件.

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Fiber & Weaving Classes - Summer 2024

Course Description

Learn the fundamentals of weaving on a four-shaft loom. This foundation class focuses on loom set up, 了解基本的织物图案(平纹和斜纹的变化), double weave construction and material considerations. 将强调创造良好的结构和养成良好的编织习惯. Reading drafts will also be covered. 每个学生在本学期将拥有一台地板织机的独家使用权. 注意:本课程要求具有良好的协调性和手的灵活性. Materials and supplies will be provided in the tuition fee; optional materials will be discussed in class. 注意:本课程是2002年织机上编织工作室项目的先决条件.

Course Description

As objects made for human interaction and handling, both containing and bounded by space, 容器可以有多种形式,由各种各样的材料构成. 这个混合媒介的纤维艺术工作室结合了纱布和石膏绷带等组件, cheesecloth, hydrosoluable fiber along with mulberry paper, walnut ink, wire, and found objects. 参与者将创建至少一个混合介质容器,可以在平面或墙面上显示. 它可以从石膏纱布和丙烯酸增强粗棉布层开始,并添加其他纤维, paper, patches, and stitches. 你可以通过有策略地组合图层来创建图案、纹理和浮雕作品. Includes some materials; see the website for a list of items to bring to class; please bring a lunch both days.

Course Description

本课程专为希望在编织方面追求自己方向的中级和高级学生艺术家而设计. 获得新的结构和手工技能以及探索新的材料将被强调. 个人计划课程以及一些小组指导将允许学生按照自己的节奏进行. 每个织布工都将独家使用纤维部的大型落地机,并使用染料实验室. 在注册之前:学生必须联系纤维部门,凯西, by Apr 2; and if approved, students will be contacted by e-mail on or before Apr. 2 and must register by May 6. 导师保留限制报名的权利. 前提条件:织造入门或同等经验.

Course Description

毡制被广泛认为是创造织物和纺织品形式的最古老和最简单的工艺之一. Applications can be functional or decorative, 甚至概念与无限的创意可能性从悬挂, garments, jewelry, and more. 它是一种奇妙的多用途织物,因为它可以做得像一块蕾丝一样轻而易碎,也可以做得足够坚固耐用,可以做成一个住所. The technique is quick and easy to grasp. Through the simple layering of wool fiber, 一点肥皂水和大量的摩擦, magic happens! 本课程将涵盖湿毡制作技术的各个方面, 包括平毡织物和简单的三维形式. Includes most materials; see website for a list of supplies; please bring a bag lunch.

Course Description

探索手工扫帚的历史、传统和工艺. This workshop will focus on broom making materials, tools, and a variety of techniques, including full-sized sweeping brooms, whisks, cobwebbers, and more as time allows. 学生将离开这个研讨会准备了一个强大的基础知识,继续在家里练习工艺,更不用说他们自己的阵列准备使用扫帚系在课堂上! 注意:这是一个非常体力的工艺,需要适度的手和身体力量. All materials will be provided by instructor; please bring a lunch both days.

Course Description

在这个为期两天的工作坊中,探索手工刷子的世界. 我们将使用手动和电动工具的组合来制作不同用途的刷子-从清洁工作台, dusting shelves, decorating ceramics, painting, and much more. We will work with a variety of plant and animal fibers, discuss their uses, 并学习多种扎实构建画笔的方法. 研讨会的重点是学习基础知识, while encouraging students to think creatively. All materials will be provided by instructor; please bring a lunch both days.

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